MP4: .
MP4 with Captions: Includes embedded subtitles for accessibility.
Vertical with Captions: Vertical format videos with embedded subtitles.
Adobe Premiere XML (XML): For importing into Adobe Premiere Pro.
Final Cut Pro XML (FCPXML): Specifically for Final Cut Pro integration.
DaVinci Resolve XML (XML): Suitable for importing into DaVinci Resolve.
DaVinci Resolve FCPXML: A variation of XML for better compatibility with DaVinci Resolve.
Avid Media Composer/EDL: For Avid editing systems.
SRT Captions: Standalone subtitle files for use in various media players.
ProRes with Captions (MOV): High-quality video format with embedded captions.
Word Document: Exports scripts or transcripts of your video content.

Written by Support
Updated over 3 months ago